Skip to content Missouri area codes, country 1, phone prefixes, call Missouri from another country: 1st international code, 2nd country number, 3rd area code. More indicative of country areas for calls are: zone code, city code and intercity code for national calls. Country Abbreviation: US – MOCALLING LANDLINE PHONES: International calls: 00 1 (area code) (7 landline numbers) International Code : 00 (from Europe and most countries) with some exceptions ; or 0011 (from Australia). Country code : 1Area code : There are 3 numbers. Fixed numbers are displayed as (x). They identify each region, territory or province of the country where we call.How to call from MISSOURI TO ANOTHER COUNTRY; the structure would be like this: 011 (prefix of the destination country) (area code) (landline numbers)011 (country code of destination) (mobile or cell phone numbers)MISSOURI AREA CODES: For example, if I want to call CLINTON : 00 1 660 xxx xxxx / 0011 1 660 xxx xxxx (from Australia)Call landlines area code between cities (National): – FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE: 1 (area code) (7 landline numbers) Example, call JEFFERSON CITY from ST. LOUIS: 1 573 xxx xxxxExample, call ST. LOUIS from JEFFERSON CITY: 1 314 xxx xxxxCall landlines Missouri area codes within the same city (Local): – FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE: (area code) (7 landline numbers) Example, call in CLINTON: 660 xxx xxxx Example, call in ST. LOUIS: 314 xxx xxxx BRANSON (417) CAPE GIRARDEU (573) CHARLESTON (573) CHESTERFIELD (636) CLINTON (660) COLUMBIA (573) FARMINGTON (573) FLORISSANT (314) HANNIBAL (573) INDEPENDENCE (816) JEFFERSON CITY (573) JOPLIN (417) KANSAS CITY (816) KIRKSVILLE (660) LEE'S SUMMIT (816) MACON (660) MARSHALL (660) MARYVILLE (660) POPLAR BLUFF (573) ROLLA (573) SEDALIA (660) SPRINGFIELD (417) ST. CHARLES (636) ST. JOSEPH (816) ST. LOUIS (314) ST. PETERS (636) TRENTON (660) UNION (636) WARRENSBURG (660) WEST PLAINS (417)
If it is a cell phone, it would be the same way since they include the local prefixes, that is, the 3 numbers of the area code of each city. CALL CELL PHONE (Composed of 10 numbers): International calls: (xxx) Is the area code: 00 1 (xxx) xxx xxxx / 0011 1 (xxx) xxx xxxx (from Australia)Call cell phone area code between cities (National): – FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE: 1 (area code) (cell phone number) Example, call JEFFERSON CITY from ST. LOUIS: 1 573 xxx xxxx Call cell phone Missouri area codes within the same city (Local): – FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE: (area code) (cell phone number) Example, call in JEFFERSON CITY: 573 xxx xxxx CALL WITH WHATSAPP: (xxx) Is the area code: +1 (xxx) xxx xxxx EMERGENCY TELEPHONES: The three-digit numbers can only be dialed within the country: POLICE: 911 DOCTOR: 911 or 311 FIRE: 911 or 311 TELEPHONE GUIDES: Yellow Pages
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