Skip to content Delaware area codes , country 1, phone prefixes, call Delaware from another country: 1st international code, 2nd country number, 3rd area code. More indicative of country areas for calls are: zone code, city code and intercity code for national calls. Country Abbreviation: US – DECALLING LANDLINE PHONES: International calls: 00 1 (area code) (7 landline numbers) International Code : 00 (from Europe and most countries) with some exceptions ; or 0011 (from Australia). Country code : 1Area code : There are 3 numbers. Fixed numbers are displayed as (x). They identify each region, territory or province of the country where we call.How to call from DELAWARE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY; the structure would be like this: 011 (prefix of the destination country) (area code) (landline numbers)011 (country code of destination) (mobile or cell phone numbers)DELAWARE AREA CODES: Whether I want to call BEAR, BROOKSIDE, CLAYMONT, DOVER, ELSMERE, GEORGETOWN, GLASGOW, HOCKESSIN, LEWES, MIDDLETOWN, MILFORD, NASSAU, NEW CASTLE, NEWARK, REHOBOTH BEACH, SEAFORD, SMYRNA or WILMINGTON : 00 1 302 xxx xxxx / 0011 1 302 xxx xxxx (from Australia)Call landlines area code between cities (National): – FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE: 1 (area code) (7 landline numbers) Example, call DOVER from CLAYMONT: 1 302 xxx xxxxCall landlines Delaware area codes within the same city (Local): – FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE: (area code) (7 landline numbers) Example, call in DOVER: 302 xxx xxxx If it is a cell phone, it would be the same way since they include the local prefixes, that is, the 3 numbers of the area code of each city. CALL CELL PHONE (Composed of 10 numbers): International calls: 00 1 302 xxx xxxx / 0011 1 302 xxx xxxx (from Australia)Call cell phone area code between cities (National): – FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE: 1 (area code) (cell phone number) Example, call CLAYMONT from DOVER: 1 302 xxx xxxx Call cell phone Delaware area codes within the same city (Local): – FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE: (area code) (cell phone number) Example, call in CLAYMONT: 302 xxx xxxx CALL WITH WHATSAPP: +1 302 xxx xxxx EMERGENCY TELEPHONES: The three-digit numbers can only be dialed within the country: POLICE: 911 DOCTOR: 911 or 311 FIRE: 911 or 311 TELEPHONE GUIDES: Yellow Pages
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