US-NC, prefix US-NC, North Carolina area codes, North Carolina area number, North Carolina phone calls, North Carolina calling code, US-NC country code, how to call North Carolina, North Carolina phone numbers, North Carolina country code, North Carolina international calls, North Carolina national calls, North Carolina long distance calling, North Carolina dialed numbers, North Carolina local calls,

North Carolina area codes, country 1, phone prefixes, call N. Carolina from another country: 1st international code, 2nd country number, 3rd area code. More indicative of country areas for calls are: zone code, city code and intercity code for national calls.

Country Abbreviation: US – NC


International calls:

00 1 (area code) (7 landline numbers)

  • International Code: 00 (from Europe and most countries) with some exceptions ; or 0011 (from Australia).

  • Country code: 1

  • North Carolina Area codes: There are 3 numbers. Fixed numbers are displayed as (x). They identify each region, territory or province of the country where we call.

How to call from NORTH CAROLINA area codes TO ANOTHER COUNTRY; the structure would be like this:

011 (prefix of the destination country) (area code) (landline numbers)

011 (country code of destination) (mobile or cell phone numbers)


For example, if I want to call HIGH POINT:

00 1 336 xxx xxxx / 0011 1 336 xxx xxxx (from Australia)

00 1 743 xxx xxxx / 0011 1 743 xxx xxxx (from Australia)

Call landlines area code between cities (National):

– FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE:  1 (area code) (7 landline numbers)

Example, call RALEIGH from CHARLOTTE:  1 919 xxx xxxx / 1 984 xxx xxxx

Example, call CHARLOTTE from RALEIGH:  1 704 xxx xxxx / 1 980 xxx xxxx

Call landlines area code within the same city (Local):

– FROM ANOTHER LANDLINE OR CELL PHONE:  (area code) (7 landline numbers)

Example, call in CHARLOTTE:  704 xxx xxxx / 980 xxx xxxx

Example, call in HIGH POINT:  336 xxx xxxx / 743 xxx xxxx

Here’s a list of North Carolina Area Codes:

ASHEVILLE (828)BREVARD (828)CARY (919) or (984)
CHARLOTTE (704) or (980)CONCORD (704) or (980)DURHAM (919) or (984)
GREENSBORO (336) or (743)HIGH POINT (336) or (743)JACKSONVILLE (910)
KINGSTOWN (704) or (980)KITTY HAWK (252)MORGANTON (828)
RALEIGH (919) or (984)ROCKY MOUNT (252)WILMINTON (910)
WINSTON-SALEM (336) or (743)

If it is a cell phone, it would be the same way since they include the local prefixes, that is, the 3 numbers of the area code of each city.

CALL CELL PHONE (Composed of 10 numbers):

International calls:

(xxx) Is the area code:

00 1 (xxx) xxx xxxx / 0011 1 (xxx) xxx xxxx (from Australia)

North Carolina area codes to Call cell phone area code between cities (National):

– FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE:  (area code) (cell phone number)

Example, call RALEIGH from CHARLOTTE:  1 919 xxx xxxx / 1 984 xxx xxxx

North Carolina area codes to Call cell phone area code within the same city (Local):

– FROM ANOTHER CELL PHONE OR LANDLINE:  (area code) (cell phone number)

Example, call in RALEIGH:  919 xxx xxxx / 984 xxx xxxx


(xxx) Is the area code:

+1 (xxx) xxx xxxx 


The three-digit numbers can only be dialed within the country:

POLICE: 911 

DOCTOR: 911 or 311

FIRE: 911 or 311


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UNVEILING NORTH CAROLINA – Intriguing Tourism Tidbits:

Discover a state brimming with natural wonders, vibrant cities, and rich history. Did you know North Carolina‘s Outer Banks is home to the Wright Brothers National Memorial, where the first powered flight took place in 1903?

Explore the picturesque beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains along the Blue Ridge Parkway, offering breathtaking vistas, hiking trails, and quaint mountain towns like Asheville, renowned for its arts scene and historic Biltmore Estate.

Indulge in the coastal charm of Wilmington, where historic riverfront streets, charming cafes, and nearby beaches beckon visitors to relax and unwind.

For a taste of history, venture to the historic town of New Bern, the birthplace of Pepsi-Cola and home to Tryon Palace, the restored colonial governor’s mansion.

Embark on a wild adventure in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, straddling the border between North Carolina and Tennessee, where lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and diverse wildlife await exploration.

Don’t miss the vibrant energy of Charlotte, North Carolina’s largest city, boasting cultural attractions, culinary delights, and professional sports teams.

Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or simply a tranquil retreat, North Carolina offers something for everyone. From the misty mountains to the sandy shores, come and discover the endless possibilities waiting to be explored in the Tar Heel State.